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Utah Death Records:
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Total Record(s) Found: 30
Select Utah as the "Issue" state, or enter "UT" for last residence or last benefit to search the Social Security death index for Utah deaths.
Search the State of Utah Department of Community and Economic Development State of Utah State History database for burial records in State of Utah by name, date, or burial place.
Search the State of Utah Department of Community and Economic Development State of Utah State History database for cemeteries in State of Utah by name, city/town, or county.
Search for State of Utah Death Certificates recorded between 1904 and 1956 or browse the database for death certificate images.
Use this State of Utah History Research Center service to search the State of Utah Office of Vital Records & Statistics death certificate index by name for the period 1904-1956.
Search for State of Utah Deaths and Burials recorded between 1888 and 1946.
Search for records of United States Veterans with Federal Military Service who were buried in State of Utah before 1966.
Search by name to locate indexed 1900-1905 Death Registers on microfilm from Beaver County, State of Utah. Copies available at extra cost.
Search RootsWeb's database of Box Elder County, State of Utah cemetery records by name to view information including name, birth & death dates, cemetery, county and state.
Search this Uintah County, State of Utah cemetery database by deceased name and/or keyword for cemeteries and burials in Duchesne County and Uintah County.
Search the Emery County Progress archives for death records in Emery County, State of Utah between 1900 and 1910 by name or browse a list by year.
Search this database of cemetery inscriptions in Garfield County, State of Utah by name and/or county.
Search the Grantsville City Cemetery burial database by name, date, birth date or deceased date.
Search RootsWeb's database of Kane County, State of Utah cemetery records by name to view information including name, birth & death dates, cemetery, county and state.
Browse the alphabetical index of the Mendon Cemetery in Mendon, State of Utah. View name, birth date, death date, and burial date. The names of the parents of the deceased as well as the spouses are also listed.
Search this City of Ogden, State of Utah City Cemetery database for cemetery records by name, parent name, birthdate, or grave location and view or print burial plot maps.
Browse cemetery plot listings in alphabetical order for Price Cemetery in Price, State of Utah. Information includes the name of the deceased, location of burial, date & place of birth, and date & place of death.
Scroll down and search by name to locate indexed 1870-1871 and 1886-1937 Coroner's Inquest Files on microfilm from Salt Lake County, Third District Court, State of Utah. Copies available at extra cost.
State of Utah Archives Probate Case Files on microfilm from Salt Lake County, Third District Court, State of Utah. Copies available at extra cost.
Search for Salt Lake County, State of Utah Deaths and Burials recorded between 1908 and 1949.
State of Utah Division of Archives index of Sanpete County, State of Utah County Clerk's office's Death Register 1898-1905.
Search RootsWeb's database of Sevier County, State of Utah cemetery records by name to view information including name, birth & death dates, cemetery, county and state.
Use this City of Spanish Fork, State of Utah service to browse by name for deceased persons buried in Spanish Fork Cemetery.
Use this City of Spanish Fork, State of Utah service to search for Spanish Fork Cemetery burials by name and/or date.
Use this City of Spanish Fork, State of Utah service to search for Spanish Fork Cemetery burials by the deceased father's name or by mother's name.
Information on how to order a State of Utah County, State of Utah birth or death certificate.
Index of Cemeteries in Washington County, State of Utah with some tombstone inscriptions.
Search this Uintah County, State of Utah cemetery database by deceased name and/or keyword for cemeteries and burials in Duchesne County and Uintah County.
Learn how you can get access to birth, death, marriage and divorce records in Utah.
Search for Salt Lake County, State of Utah Deaths and Burials recorded between 1908 and 1949.